SYBR Green I DNA Gel Stain is one of the most sensitive fluorescent stains available for detecting nucleic acids in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. SYBR Green I stain is also a very sensitive stain for oligonucleotides, allowing the detection of as little as 1-2 ng of a synthetic 24-mer on 5% polyacrylamide gels. Gels can be post-stained or alternatively the stain can be added to agarose gels during gel casting. SYBR Green I DNA Gel Stain is compatible with a standard 300 nm transilluminator, a 254 nm transilluminator, a blue-light transilluminator, or a gel reader equipped with visible light excitation such as a 488 nm laser-based gel scanner.
SYBR Green I DNA Gel Stain, 10,000X is a concentrated SYBR Green I solution that can be diluted 10,000 times for use in precast gel staining or 5,000 times for use in post gel staining according to the procedures described in the protocol. One vial of 10,000X solution can be used to prepare at least 100 precast minigels or post-stain at least 100 minigels.
Gel staining with SYBR Green I is compatible with downstream applications such as gel extraction and cloning. SYBR Green I is efficiently removed from DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.
DNA gel stains
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