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MemTrack Red Membrane Stain


MemTrack Red Membrane Stain enables fast and uniform labeling of the plasma membrane in almost all cell types. The stain works rapidly and can be detected using standard microscope filter sets with any imaging instrument. Depending upon the cell type and experimental conditions, the plasma membrane staining will last for more than 4 hours without detectable internalization, providing enough time for most live cell dynamic studies. The stain survives fixation, but not permeabilization.


  • Sensitivity—specific and rapid plasma membrane staining
  • Excellent retention—staining lasts for 4 hours


Excitation/Emission: 550/565 nm 
Shipping Condition: Ambient
Storage Conditions: -20ºC, protect from light
Unit Size: 100 µL


To Order

Buy Cat.No. Product name Ex/Em(nm) Size Price
C058 MemTrack Red Membrane Stain 550/565 100 µL ¥1600



Protocol (PDF): C058
COA (PDF):  C058