Robust dsDNA Fragmentase generates dsDNA breaks in a time-dependent manner to yield 50–1,000 bp DNA fragments depending on reaction time. Robust dsDNA Fragmentase contains two enzymes, one randomly generates nicks on dsDNA and the other recognizes the nicked site and cuts the opposite DNA strand across from the nick, thereby producing dsDNA breaks. The resulting DNA fragments contain short overhangs, 5´-phosphates, and 3´-hydroxyl groups. The random nicking activity of dsDNA Fragmentase has been confirmed by preparation of libraries for next-generation sequencing. A comparison of the sequencing results between libraries prepared with genomic DNA sheared with dsDNA Fragmentase and with mechanical shearing demonstrates that dsDNA Fragmentase does not introduce any detectable bias during sequencing library preparation and no difference in sequence coverage is observed between the two methods.
- Generation of dsDNA fragments for sequencing on next generation sequencing platforms.
- Generation of dsDNA fragments for libraries.
Reaction Definition
One reaction is defined as the amount of dsDNA Fragmentase required to convert 1 μg of purified HeLa cell gDNA in 20 μL of 1X Reaction Buffer into short (100-300 bp) DNA fragments in 30 minutes at 37°C.
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- Robust dsDNA Fragmentase
- T4 DNA Polymerase
- T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
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- Klenow Fragment