The NGS Second Strand Synthesis Module contains the enzymes and buffers required to convert first strand cDNA into double stranded cDNA. The fast, user-friendly workflow has minimal hands-on time and is compatible with upstream first strand cDNA synthesis.
- RNA-Seq Library Construction.
1. In a nuclease-free 0.2 mL PCR tube, mix the following components on ice:
First Strand Synthesis Reaction Buffer 4 μL
First Strand Synthesis Enzyme Mix 1 μL
Nuclease-free Water 4 μL
Total volumes 20 μL
2. Mix by pipetting gently up and down.
3. Incubate the samples in a preheated thermal cycler (with the heated lid set to 100°C):
10 minutes at 25°C
30 minutes at 68°C
Hold at 4°C
4. Place the tube on ice.
5. Proceed directly to second strand synthesis using NGS RNA Second Strand Synthesis Module (Cat no. E118).
- ABPNGS Tn5 Transposase
- T4 β-Glucosyltransferase
- T4 DNA Ligase
- Quick T4 DNA Ligation Kit
- Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix
- Robust dsDNA Fragmentase
- T4 DNA Polymerase
- T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
- Klenow Fragment (3’→5′ exo-)
- ABP One Step Cloning Kit
- ABP HiFi DNA Polymerase
- 2×ABP HiFi PCR Master Mix
- Terminal Transferase (TdT)
- Benzonase
- NotI HF
- Klenow Fragment