Home » Cell Structure Probes » EthD-1 (Ethidium Homodimer-1)


EthD-1 (Ethidium Homodimer-1)


Ethidium Homodimer-1 (EthD-1) is a high affinity fluorescent nucleic acid stain that is weakly fluorescent until bound to DNA and emits red fluorescence (excitation/emission maxima ~528/617). The EthD-1 is highly positively charged and cell-impermeant, and widely used as cell viability indicator. 

Excitation/Emission: 528/617 nm
Shipping Condition: Ambient
Storage Conditions: -20ºC, protect from light
Molecular Formula: C46H50Cl4N8
Molecular Weight: 856.77
CAS Number: 61926-22-5  

To Order

Buy Cat.No. Product name Ex/Em(nm) Size Price
C010 EthD-1 (Ethidium Homodimer-1) 528/617 1 mg 2800 


Protocol (PDF): C010
COA (PDF):  C010


Multiplex dsDNA Fragment Sizing Using Dimeric Intercalation Dyes and Capillary Array Electrophoresis: Ionic Effects on the Stability and Electrophoretic Mobility of DNA-Dye Complexes.
Clark SM, Mathies RA
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Reliability of Calcein Acetoxy Methyl Ester and Ethidium Homodimer or Propidium Iodide for Viability Assessment of Microbes.Reliability of Calcein Acetoxy Methyl Ester and Ethidium Homodimer or Propidium Iodide for Viability Assessment of Microbes.
Kaneshiro ES, et al.
J Microbiol Methods (1993) 17:1-1

Assessment of Boar Sperm Viability Using a Combination of Two Fluorophores.Assessment of Boar Sperm Viability Using a Combination of Two Fluorophores.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I am doing a Live/Dead assay using Calcein, AM, for live cells and ethidium homodimer-1 for dead cells. Can I fix the cells after labeling and retain the staining?
This is not recommended. Neither Calcein nor ethidium homodimer-1 bind to any cellular components upon fixation. There is no guarantee that the dyes will be retained upon fixation or any subsequent wash steps. We recommend scoring for live and dead cells as soon as possible after staining.